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  • Pollen (bee pollination)

    Pollen (bee pollination) contains all the necessary amino acids that a person should receive with food, since they are not produced in the body. During the investigations, 27 microelements (potassium, sodium, titanium, nickel, chromium, vanadium, zircon, phosphorus, zinc, beryl, silver, tin, strontium, gallium, uranium, barium, aluminum, silicon, manganese, magnesium, molybdenum , Copper, iron, calcium, etc.). Especially in potassium pollen, which is needed to improve the performance of the heart muscle, and in addition iron, copper, cobalt.
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  • Royal jelly bee

    Royal jelly bee is produced by the glands of worker bees. The composition includes proteins, 22 amino acids, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, PP, H, C, D, provitamin A), enzymes, minerals (potassium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, zinc , Sodium, etc.), growth stimulants, sex hormones (testosterone, progesterone), deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). Royal jelly bee strengthens immunity, increases vitality, improves appetite, memory and vision, helps to eliminate toxins, lowers blood sugar levels, and also has anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial and anti-radic effects. Royal jelly bee is compatible with medicines.
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  • Tincture of propolis

    Tincture of propolis is a transparent liquid of a dark brown color, with a specific smell and bitter taste, with a sample on the tongue has an anesthetic effect, while storing precipitation may occur. Tincture of propolis has such properties: - Antimicrobial; - Anti-inflammatory; - Normalizes metabolism; - Accelerates the process of tissue regeneration; - Wound healing; - Deodorizing; - Antitoxic; - Tincture of propolis stimulates metabolic processes;
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  • Trutney homogenate

    A Trutney homogenateis produced by extraction from honeycombs and grinding the tartar brood (seven days old larvae). This is a natural homogenate of drone larvae freeze-dried at a temperature of minus 30 ° C for 24 hours. Apply Trutney homogenate in the treatment of male and female infertility, increased potency and libido, restoration of impaired sexual function in men, restores the hormonal background in women with menopause, treatment of prostatitis and prostate adenoma, treatment and recovery of the endocrine system, recommended for children lagging behind in physical and Mental development, improving immunity, improving sleep, rejuvenating the body.
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  • Zabrus

    Scientists of the Institute of Apiculture in the zabrus found a significant amount of lysozyme enzyme, which is capable of destroying the structural structure of bacterial walls, thereby increasing the body's resistance to infections. It is added by honey bees for better preservation of honey. The multicomponent composition of zabrus gives it useful properties of a wide spectrum. Zabrus is well absorbed by the body, two hours after consumption, nutrients enter the blood, lymph, and cellular structure, providing stimulating, antimicrobial, anesthetic abilities. Chewing zabrusa strengthens the gum, removes plaque, provides disinfection of the oral cavity.
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