
Showing 28–32 of 32 results

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  • Suppositories with an extract of oat seed

    Contained in the candlelight with an extract of oat seed vitamin and mineral complex allows using candles with oat seed extract in treatment of chronic diseases of the genitourinary system. Admission candles with oat seed extract allows to quickly relieve inflammation and prevent complications of cystitis, nephritis, pyelonephritis, urethritis.
    120 грн Add to cart
  • Suppositories with propolis

    Candles with propolis - an effective, well-proven tool for prevention and in treatment of prostatitis, pelvic inflammatory processes. Candles with propolis are highly effective in the initial stages of the development of benign prostatic hyperplasia.
    130 грн Add to cart
  • The extract of bee Podmore

    Thanks to hepatoprotective properties, The extract of bee Podmore reduces the load on the liver, is a proven remedy against lamblia in it. Act as a blood cleanser. Possessing antitoxic properties, they bind and remove from the body toxic elements and intestinal toxins, in addition, the obtained drugs are used in the treatment of mastitis and panaritium, with joint pain and adenoma of the prostate, impotence and frigidity. The extract of beeswax includes, in addition to chitosan, melanin (a nitrogen-containing pigment of animal origin), and to be more precise, melanin complexes, heparoids, amino acids, peptides, bee venom itself, which is an exceptionally complex complex, and some other substances of a different nature.
    80 грн Add to cart
  • Tribestanin extract (anchor extract), Novofit, 30 ml

    Tribistanin extract (anchor extract), Novofit has a normalizing effect on the function of the endocrine glands, increases the secretory activity of the pancreas. Improves the prostate gland by normalizing and improving blood circulation. Saturates cells with oxygen. Improves the condition of the body during prolonged mental or physical stress.
    75 грн Add to cart
  • Trutney homogenate

    A Trutney homogenateis produced by extraction from honeycombs and grinding the tartar brood (seven days old larvae). This is a natural homogenate of drone larvae freeze-dried at a temperature of minus 30 ° C for 24 hours. Apply Trutney homogenate in the treatment of male and female infertility, increased potency and libido, restoration of impaired sexual function in men, restores the hormonal background in women with menopause, treatment of prostatitis and prostate adenoma, treatment and recovery of the endocrine system, recommended for children lagging behind in physical and Mental development, improving immunity, improving sleep, rejuvenating the body.
    240 грн Add to cart