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  • Alfalfin

    Alfalfin supports and stimulates the circulatory system, prevents the development of atherosclerosis. It reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood. Alfalfin contains plant estrogens.
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  • Avenitsitin

    Avenitsitin alternative to the well-known broth from young oat shoots. Avenitsitin used to optimize the functional activity of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, enhance the protective function of the liver and its ability to cleanse itself. Normalization of lipid metabolism.
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  • Avikont-T

    Celandine is known for its healing properties since ancient times. Avikont-T - a product that combines the ancient knowledge and modern technologies. Avikont-T has been successfully used in gynecology, dermatology, urology.
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  • Discovery Charm ArtLife

    Discovery Charm ArtLife - the best vitamin and mineral complex for women, prolonging youth and preserving beauty. Vitamins Discovery Charm will provide the female body with important biologically active elements and natural enzymes. Biologically active elements prevent the development of hypoxia and osteoporosis, normalize metabolic processes, improve the functioning of the endocrine system.
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  • Discovery Excellence Complex

    Modern lifestyle means heavy loads on the nervous system, organs of vision, increased mental activity. Stress, nervous breakdowns, quick utomlyaemost- are just a few of the states pursuing us in everyday life. Particularly acute is felt by teenagers. The unique multi-component system "Excellent Discovery" set up on the latest technologies and is designed to maintain a high level of vitality adolescents and adults
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  • Discovery strength

    Discovery strength - a multi-component complex, aimed at maintaining the health, fitness, exercise tolerance in men, and the prevention of infectious diseases, somatic (caused by external influence or breach of the inner workings of the organs and systems) and age-related. Systemic administration "Discovery strength" of the complex provides the body with male main substance for normal functioning of the body as a whole, has a tonic effect, it helps regulate the balance of male sex hormones.
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  • Enzyme complex plus

    Enzymes or enzyme - a protein nature substances that regulate the rate of biochemical reactions in the body, providing for the metabolic processes. "Enzyme complex plus" - is a natural activator of physiological processes in the body. It contains all necessary for the life of the organism natural enzymes.
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  • Erektin

    Erektin original domestic development for the prevention and treatment of multi-pronged comprehensive sexual dysfunction. The main component is an extract Erektina sandy sainfoin. Due to its properties Erektin stimulates the production of endogenous testosterone, governs the complex process of filling the cavernous bodies with blood, improves the elasticity of the vascular wall. It improves sperm production and sperm quality.
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  • Fitogal

    The international medical community pays great attention to the development of schemes to enhance immunity. The immune system is one of the most important defense systems of the body, is involved in all the vital organs. It has been proved that such diseases as atherosclerosis, diseases of the joints, infectious and allergic diseases occur due to immune disorders. Fitogal powerful immunomodulator, significantly exceeding domestic and foreign analogues in their properties.
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