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  • Arnica extract, Novofit, 30 ml

    Arnica extract, Novofit has hemostatic properties for uterine fibroids, inflammatory processes, and dysfunctional disorders of the menstrual cycle. Thanks to flavonoids and cynarins, the extract has choleretic properties. It has an anti-toxic effect.
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  • Black Cumin extract, Novofit, 30 ml

    Black cumin extract, Novofit are used to improve and normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, and due to the improvement of the condition of the intestines, the condition of the skin improves, and immunity increases.
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  • Cetrazine

    Cerazine is an effective phytocomplex with a broad spectrum of antibacterial action.
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  • Chistotila extract, Novofit, 30 ml

    Chistotila extract, Novofit is recommended in a diluted form for irrigation, washing and wet dressings for purulent inflammatory processes (acne rash, for the removal of warts, papillomas, for the treatment of wounds that do not heal for a long time, eczema, ulcers, scrofula, ringworm, psoriasis, pustular skin lesions, skin tuberculosis, scalp seborrhea and staphylococcal skin lesions)
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  • Coniferous extract Bischofite, 500 ml

    Coniferous extract Bischofite - a well-known natural extract for the preparation of medicinal baths. Widely used in balneology sanatorium treatment on the whole territory of Ukraine. Now in consumer packaging for home use! The organic combination of brine Poltava bischofite, a natural extract of needles of juniper, fir and pine beneficial effect on the entire human body.
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  • Discovery Charm ArtLife

    Discovery Charm ArtLife - the best vitamin and mineral complex for women, prolonging youth and preserving beauty. Vitamins Discovery Charm will provide the female body with important biologically active elements and natural enzymes. Biologically active elements prevent the development of hypoxia and osteoporosis, normalize metabolic processes, improve the functioning of the endocrine system.
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  • Discovery Excellence Complex

    Modern lifestyle means heavy loads on the nervous system, organs of vision, increased mental activity. Stress, nervous breakdowns, quick utomlyaemost- are just a few of the states pursuing us in everyday life. Particularly acute is felt by teenagers. The unique multi-component system "Excellent Discovery" set up on the latest technologies and is designed to maintain a high level of vitality adolescents and adults
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  • Discovery strength

    Discovery strength - a multi-component complex, aimed at maintaining the health, fitness, exercise tolerance in men, and the prevention of infectious diseases, somatic (caused by external influence or breach of the inner workings of the organs and systems) and age-related. Systemic administration "Discovery strength" of the complex provides the body with male main substance for normal functioning of the body as a whole, has a tonic effect, it helps regulate the balance of male sex hormones.
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  • Elderberry extract, Novofit, 30 ml

    Elderberry extract, Novofit promotes both urination and improvement of intestinal peristalsis. The drug has a natural diuretic effect. Such remedies are usually prescribed by doctors in cases where a lot of fluid is retained in the body, which is a common problem among the elderly.
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  • Enzyme complex plus

    Enzymes or enzyme - a protein nature substances that regulate the rate of biochemical reactions in the body, providing for the metabolic processes. "Enzyme complex plus" - is a natural activator of physiological processes in the body. It contains all necessary for the life of the organism natural enzymes.
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  • Eucalyptus extract, Novofit, 30 ml

    Eucalyptus extract, Novofit restores and improves immunity, relieves injuries, arthritis and headaches, relieves inflammation of the urinary tract in combination with a diuretic effect. Lowers sugar level, improves carbohydrate metabolism, relieves puffiness.
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  • Extract of birch buds, Novofit, 30 ml

    Birch bud extract Novofit activates metabolism, release of body functions, strengthens the nervous system. Externally used for rubbing, compresses, baths for myositis, arthritis, sciatica, rheumatism, poorly healing wounds, ulcers, eczema, sores, bedsores, acne, rashes, etc. Birch is an excellent cosmetic.
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  • Extract of Icelandic moss (cetraria of Iceland), Novofit, 30 ml

    Extract of Icelandic moss (Cetraria Icelandic) Novofit improves digestion, cleanses blood and lymph, has an anti-inflammatory effect. Polysaccharides of Icelandic moss have the ability to protect the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract from the influence of various chemical factors.
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  • Extract of pine uterus, Novofit, 30 ml

    The extract of the pine uterus, Novofit (official name - Ortilia odniboka) is known as a powerful remedy for diseases of the genitourinary system. This herb is especially effective for the treatment of female diseases of an inflammatory nature due to its diuretic, resorbing
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  • Fitogal

    The international medical community pays great attention to the development of schemes to enhance immunity. The immune system is one of the most important defense systems of the body, is involved in all the vital organs. It has been proved that such diseases as atherosclerosis, diseases of the joints, infectious and allergic diseases occur due to immune disorders. Fitogal powerful immunomodulator, significantly exceeding domestic and foreign analogues in their properties.
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  • Fitomaks-alpha

    Already it is no secret that the disruption of the stomach, gastrointestinal disease are the result of a modern lifestyle. Malnutrition, Stresa, sedentary lifestyle did digestive disorders and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract number one problem of modern society. Fitomaks Alpha Natural phytopreparation through dense oak bark extract to improve digestion. Fitomaks alpha loyal assistant in disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
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  • Fitoritsid herbal remedies for the nasal mucosa

    Included in the "Fitoritsida" essential oils, thanks to strong antibacterial effect, prevent settlement and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms in the nasal mucosa. The drug has a broad spectrum antiviral effect and antimіkrobnogo.
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  • Ginger extract, Novofit, 30 ml

    Ginger extract, Novofit reduces pain caused by joint disease, is used for rheumatism, arthrosis and arthritis, swelling, sprains, muscle pain. Due to its chondroprotective effect, ginger extract helps to strengthen cartilage tissue.
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  • Ginkgo biloba extract, Novofit, 30 ml

    Ginkgo biloba extract Novofit increases the overall performance of the body, with high mental stress. Ginkgo biloba's reputation as a "brain aid" has firmly established itself. Studies have proven that, thanks to its medicinal properties, the plant helps to improve the cognitive functions of the brain.
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  • Ginseng extract, Novofit, 30 ml

    Novofit ginseng extract has a beneficial effect on a woman's body, increases blood circulation in the pelvis and libido, improves the condition of the skin and hair, eliminates sagging skin and circles under the eyes
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  • Grapefruit extract, Novofit, 30 ml

    Grapefruit Novofit extract normalizes the blood sugar level. Cleanses the body of impurities, removes excess fluid, promotes fat burning. With systematic use of grapefruit extract, the weight loss process occurs at a natural level, without harming the body.
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  • Green Star complex systemic effects

    Universal bracing complex "Green Star" supports the normal functioning of all systems and organs of the body by filling and maintaining the balance of amino acids, vitamins, macro-and micronutrients. It provides a full life, and the organism to adverse environmental factors, sustainability of the environment.
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  • Honey with propolis

    Propolis enhances the healing properties of honey, thanks to it honey with propolis acquires antimicrobial, antibacterial, wound-healing, deodorizing and antiseptic properties. Honey, in turn, improves the assimilation of all components of propolis, so the healing properties of honey with propolis is much higher than that of honey and propolis separately. Honey with propolis from does not contain: - emulsifiers and stabilizers. - preservatives; - chemical additives. Honey with propolis is recommended for: - colds, flu; - tonsillitis, chronic tonsillitis, asthma, pneumonia; - headache, migraine, hypertension;
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  • Laktonorm plus

    Laktonorm plus possesses high antagonistic effect due to the fact that the lactic acid bacteria are antagonistic to pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms. Laktonorm plus improves metabolism, prevents prolonged intestinal disease, raises nonspecific resistance of the organism.
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  • Lemongrass extract, Novofit, 50 ml

    Lemongrass extract, Novofit - tones the body, increases work capacity, blood pressure and immunity. Regular use of lemongrass strengthens the nervous system, helps to cope with stress, strengthens the body during prolonged mental stress.
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  • Levzea extract, Novofit, 30 ml

    Levzea extract, Novofit improves the work of the heart system, helps with heart neuroses. Levzea extract supports the nervous system, increases performance, but in case of strong overexcitation, the drug helps to calm down and relieve tension, thus the drug normalizes the work of the nervous system.
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  • Nettle extract, Novofit, 30 ml

    Nettle extract, Novofit promotes the restoration of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, helps the work of female genital organs and intestines, thanks to chlorophyll. Accelerates the regeneration of damaged areas of the body. Normalizes hemoglobin level.
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  • Perga Medok (bee bread)

    Beekeepers have long valued Perga (bee bread) Perga (bee bread), Perga Medok not only as the main food for bees. Perga Perga (bee bread), Perga Medok is a natural, ideally balanced vitamin and mineral complex, which is ideal for most people. It includes: 16 amino acids, 13 fatty amino acids, proteins, vitamins (A, C, P, E, B1, B2, B6, D, etc.), carbohydrates, minerals (magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, sodium , Zinc, etc.) Lactic acid bacteria, which were formed in pergus, suppress the development of harmful microflora.
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  • Phytoconcentrate of beeswax

    The phytoconcentrate of beeswax is a liquid from light brown to dark brown with a characteristic bee aroma. The precipitation of natural sediment is permissible. Before use, tincture is recommended to shake. The main active substance of beeswax is chitin (chitosan). On an industrial scale, chitosan is obtained from marine armor, while bee-submarine is unique in its properties. The phytoconcentrate of beeswax includes, in addition to chitosan, melanin complexes, heparoids, amino acids, peptides, bee venom, etc. In the body of bees, the presence of at least 27 elements:
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  • Phytoconcentrate of wax moth larvae

    Biochemical composition of the Phytoconcentrate from wax moth larvae is complex: here there are enzymes, complex proteins, peptides, steroid hormones and much more. It is a source of 20 of 28 existing amino acids, among them 9 irreplaceable, without which the normal functioning of the human body is impossible. What to prepare Phytoconcentrate from larvae of wax moth used neocuplivshiesya larvae of a large wax moth. In life, they eat only beekeeping products, most often beeswax.
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  • Polisol Male power

    Natural vitamin-mineral complex Polisol Male power is produced from cereal grains at the germination stage. It is in malt (sprouted grains) that the maximum content of vitamins and various nutrients is noted. Polysol heals the body, normalizes the digestive tract, speeds up metabolic processes, reduces the cholesterol index. With its use, there is a burst of energy and energy, this unique product helps to increase muscle mass, with polysol, you effectively cleanse the body, normalize the work of all organs, add to the diet the necessary components. Polysol Male power is characterized by a high content of corn malt, which interacts with the rest of the polysol, improves sexual function in men.
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  • Polisol with cranberries

    Polisol with cranberries is a balanced source of natural vitamins, minerals, amino acids, intended for use by the whole family. Recommended: Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Endocrinology and Metabolism named after. V.P. Komisarenko, Ukrainian Institute of Sexology and Andrology. Polysol with cranberry contains 9 vitamins (C, E, B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, PP, H), 8 minerals (calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, zinc, iron, copper) and 15 free amino acids, in all 8 are irreplaceable. Eating sprouted grains is unlikely to bring pleasure, and the dessert taste of viscous viscous mass Polysol with cranberries will not leave even children indifferent.
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  • Pollen (bee pollination)

    Pollen (bee pollination) contains all the necessary amino acids that a person should receive with food, since they are not produced in the body. During the investigations, 27 microelements (potassium, sodium, titanium, nickel, chromium, vanadium, zircon, phosphorus, zinc, beryl, silver, tin, strontium, gallium, uranium, barium, aluminum, silicon, manganese, magnesium, molybdenum , Copper, iron, calcium, etc.). Especially in potassium pollen, which is needed to improve the performance of the heart muscle, and in addition iron, copper, cobalt.
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  • Polysol Classic

    Polysol is 100% natural malt from 4 sprouted cereals (barley, oats, wheat and corn). It is this combination of malts that maximizes the strengthening of immunity, the restoration and maintenance of normal body functioning. Polysol is a balanced source of natural vitamins, minerals, amino acids, intended for use by the whole family.
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  • Polysol with rosehip

    Polysol with rosehip is 100% natural malt from 4 sprouted cereals (barley, oats, wheat and maize) + dogrose. It is this combination of malts that maximizes the strengthening of immunity, the restoration and maintenance of normal body functioning. Polysol is a balanced source of natural vitamins, minerals, amino acids, intended for use by the whole family. Polysol contains 9 vitamins (C, E, B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, PP, H), 8 minerals (calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, zinc, iron, copper) and 15 free amino acids, in tons .h. all 8 are irreplaceable. Useful properties of dogrose - Hips of dog rose contain more ascorbic acid than lemons and currants. It is a good natural antioxidant. In the dog rose a large number of vitamins such as A, P, E, K, B2. Among its beneficial properties is the bactericidal effect.
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  • Pomegranate extract, Novofit, 30 ml

    Novofit pomegranate extract increases hemoglobin, due to which the condition of the skin improves. Nourishes hair follicles, it prevents hair loss and improves their growth. Stimulates the production of collagen in the skin, slows down skin aging.
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  • Poplar extract

    Poplar extract is very rich in biologically active substances, possessing bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, diuretic, analgesic and antiseptic properties. The antiseptic effect of the kidneys is due to the presence of glucoside populine, which when hydrolyzed is hydrolyzed to benzoic acid, which is a strong antiseptic. It has been experimentally established that when taking the populist and especially salicin, obtained from the sedge, urinary excretion of uric acid sharply increases. In addition, the buds of Poplar extract have an antiseptic effect on bronchial mucosa and dilute sputum in chronic bronchitis with purulent secretion. Due to a wide range of effects, the buds of poplars are used to treat acute inflammatory processes of the respiratory tract and chronic bronchitis with purulent sputum.
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  • Probynorm

    Recent studies have convincingly shown that the effect of the combined use of different strains of bacteria in the treatment of dysbacteriosis significantly superior results of monocomponent probiotics. The complex "Probinorm" includes specially selected strains of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli to ensure normalization of digestion and maintenance of intestinal microflora in the optimal ratio for a long time.
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  • Pulmoklinz

    Pulmoklinz - is an active Biocomplex that contains only natural active substances of plant origin and vitamins, action is directed at the prevention and elimination of inflammatory processes in the bronchi and lungs. Marshmallow, mullein, and licorice, are part of the complex "Pulmoklinz" have shielding, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, soothes the mucous and help to remove phlegm from the b
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  • Rhodiola extract, Novofit, 50 ml

    Rhodiola extract, Novofit is a strong stimulant for overfatigue and diseases of the nervous system, neuroses, vegetative-vascular dystonia, hypotonia.
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  • Rosehip extract, Novofit, 30 ml

    Rosehip extract, Novofit reduces the acidity of gastric juice, accelerates the healing of wounds and burns of any origin, including radiation damage. Nourishes and restores the mucous membrane of the oral cavity. Rosehip extract is useful as a vitamin and tonic.
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  • Royal jelly bee

    Royal jelly bee is produced by the glands of worker bees. The composition includes proteins, 22 amino acids, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, PP, H, C, D, provitamin A), enzymes, minerals (potassium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, zinc , Sodium, etc.), growth stimulants, sex hormones (testosterone, progesterone), deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). Royal jelly bee strengthens immunity, increases vitality, improves appetite, memory and vision, helps to eliminate toxins, lowers blood sugar levels, and also has anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial and anti-radic effects. Royal jelly bee is compatible with medicines.
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  • Shiitake extract, Novofit, 30 ml

    Shiitake extract, Novofit strengthens the immune system, has a beneficial effect on general well-being, increases male potency, contributes to the normalization of body temperature, purifies the blood and normalizes blood pressure
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  • Super Shield Active

    Super Shield Active - natural herbal remedies, strengthens the immune system, has anti-infective and antitumor protection.
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  • The extract of bee Podmore

    Thanks to hepatoprotective properties, The extract of bee Podmore reduces the load on the liver, is a proven remedy against lamblia in it. Act as a blood cleanser. Possessing antitoxic properties, they bind and remove from the body toxic elements and intestinal toxins, in addition, the obtained drugs are used in the treatment of mastitis and panaritium, with joint pain and adenoma of the prostate, impotence and frigidity. The extract of beeswax includes, in addition to chitosan, melanin (a nitrogen-containing pigment of animal origin), and to be more precise, melanin complexes, heparoids, amino acids, peptides, bee venom itself, which is an exceptionally complex complex, and some other substances of a different nature.
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  • Unkarin (Feline Claw) Art Life

    Recently, the increasing attention of physicians and specialists in alternative medicine has been attracted to drugs derived from the amazing plant - Uncaria Tomentosa Unkarin (Feline Claw) Art Life. This is a woody vine, so named for its sharp claws, with which it clings to the branches of other plants. It grows in the forests of the Amazon on the Peruvian Highlands.
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  • Win-Vita, Balsam from the red grapes

    Vin Vita has multiple mechanisms of action due to the presence of: organic acids, polysaccharides, phenolic and polyphenolic compounds, glucose, amino acids, flavonoids, acetone, ascorbic acid, vitamin B, PP, carotene, potassium compounds, iron, calcium, phosphorus, phytoestrogens ( rezverartrol), which is incredibly rich in red grape varieties. The most characteristic of the amount of biologically active substances (BAS) Vin Vita antioxidant effect, ie the deactivation of free radicals.
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  • Zabrus

    Scientists of the Institute of Apiculture in the zabrus found a significant amount of lysozyme enzyme, which is capable of destroying the structural structure of bacterial walls, thereby increasing the body's resistance to infections. It is added by honey bees for better preservation of honey. The multicomponent composition of zabrus gives it useful properties of a wide spectrum. Zabrus is well absorbed by the body, two hours after consumption, nutrients enter the blood, lymph, and cellular structure, providing stimulating, antimicrobial, anesthetic abilities. Chewing zabrusa strengthens the gum, removes plaque, provides disinfection of the oral cavity.
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