Purification organism

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  • Perga Medok (bee bread)

    Beekeepers have long valued Perga (bee bread) Perga (bee bread), Perga Medok not only as the main food for bees. Perga Perga (bee bread), Perga Medok is a natural, ideally balanced vitamin and mineral complex, which is ideal for most people. It includes: 16 amino acids, 13 fatty amino acids, proteins, vitamins (A, C, P, E, B1, B2, B6, D, etc.), carbohydrates, minerals (magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, sodium , Zinc, etc.) Lactic acid bacteria, which were formed in pergus, suppress the development of harmful microflora.
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  • Phytoconcentrate of beeswax

    The phytoconcentrate of beeswax is a liquid from light brown to dark brown with a characteristic bee aroma. The precipitation of natural sediment is permissible. Before use, tincture is recommended to shake. The main active substance of beeswax is chitin (chitosan). On an industrial scale, chitosan is obtained from marine armor, while bee-submarine is unique in its properties. The phytoconcentrate of beeswax includes, in addition to chitosan, melanin complexes, heparoids, amino acids, peptides, bee venom, etc. In the body of bees, the presence of at least 27 elements:
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  • Pineapple and Grapefruit extract, Novofit, 30 ml

    Pineapple and Grapefruit extract, Novofit is rich in potassium and calcium, organic acids, improves digestion, activates liver activity, helps to "burn" fat. Reduces pressure.
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  • Senna extract, Novofit, 30 ml

    Senna extract, Novofit is recognized as an effective remedy for heartburn, nausea, gas formation, as well as bloating and belching associated with dyspepsia. Senna in combination with such extracts as fennel, ginger, mint can reduce gas accumulation in the stomach due to its laxative effect.
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  • Toksfayter Luxury

    Toksfayter luxury - a universal enterosorbent based on herbal ingredients. The active ingredients of this complex block toxins and by-products of metabolism, reduce the effects of allergens, eliminate the functional disorders of the digestive system. Reduce the burden on the liver and kidney, improve metabolism, reduce cholesterol.
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