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  • Cellulose “Chistoton-oats”

    Cellulose "Chistoton-oats" is a functional dietetic food aimed at active purification of the body, enhancing the function and intestinal motility with laxative effect; It has anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, antipyretic, protivoateroskleroticheskim regulating metabolism activities. Cellulose "Chistoton-oats" helps to reduce weight, normalize blood pressure and blood sugar; toxins, cholesterol, salts of heavy metals; a source of vitamins, minerals
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  • Pinotel-ideal vitamin complex

    Protein - is the main building material of the human body. Timely intake of protein in sufficient quantity must be the athletes who lead active lifestyles, people who are dieting. Pinotel ideal - unique protein-vitamin complex, a protein in its composition is close to the ideal, easily absorbed by the body.
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  • Vitamin cocktail

    Vitamin cocktail Avicenna is extremely useful for people suffering from a lack of vitamins in the body. Admission 1 teaspoon of vitamin cocktail reception equates to 100g vegetable salad. Vitamin cocktail instantly absorbed and the quality of its components, is not conducive to the accumulation of fats and sugars in the body. Permanent vitamin cocktail reception provides an opportunity at any time of the year a stable intake of the necessary amounts of vitamins
    180 грн Add to cart