
Showing 19–20 of 20 results

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  • Toksfayter Luxury

    Toksfayter luxury - a universal enterosorbent based on herbal ingredients. The active ingredients of this complex block toxins and by-products of metabolism, reduce the effects of allergens, eliminate the functional disorders of the digestive system. Reduce the burden on the liver and kidney, improve metabolism, reduce cholesterol.
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  • Unkarin (Feline Claw) Art Life

    Recently, the increasing attention of physicians and specialists in alternative medicine has been attracted to drugs derived from the amazing plant - Uncaria Tomentosa Unkarin (Feline Claw) Art Life. This is a woody vine, so named for its sharp claws, with which it clings to the branches of other plants. It grows in the forests of the Amazon on the Peruvian Highlands.
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