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  • A mixture of extracts from mastopathy, Novofit, 30 ml

    A mixture of extracts from mastopathy, Novofit is used as a main or additional remedy for all forms of mastopathy (fibrocystic, nodular, fibroadenoma, breast tumor). The collection for mastopathy includes vitamin and tonic herbs.
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  • Alfalfa extract, Novofit, 30 ml

    Lucerne extract, Novofit are used for hormonal disorders, as well as to facilitate the course of the climacteric period. The drug has a positive effect on the circulatory system as a whole because it contains iron and a large amount of vitamin K (which affects blood clotting).
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  • Anti-worm, Novofit, 30 ml

    Anti-worm, Novofit has a comprehensive effect on parasites. They will not only be affected by toxic substances included in the composition of plants, but also the surviving parasites will not be able to cling to the walls of the intestine and stay in it, so they will begin to come out during bowel movements.
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  • Arnica extract, Novofit, 30 ml

    Arnica extract, Novofit has hemostatic properties for uterine fibroids, inflammatory processes, and dysfunctional disorders of the menstrual cycle. Thanks to flavonoids and cynarins, the extract has choleretic properties. It has an anti-toxic effect.
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  • Artichoke extract, Novofit, 30 ml

    Artichoke extract, Novofit are used for the treatment and prevention of gall bladder diseases, urolithiasis, hepatitis and atherosclerosis. Artichoke is very useful for the digestive tract and normalizing the acidity of gastric juice. It prevents atherosclerosis, is useful for the liver and biliary trac
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  • Bilberry extract, Novofit, 30 ml

    Blueberry extract, Novophyt Properties. Blueberry fruits contain glycoside myrtilin, sugars, organic acids, tannins, carotene, vitamins C and B, iron, copper, manganese, zinc. They regulate the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, stimulate metabolism and have an astringent, firming, diuretic, analgesic
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  • Black Cumin extract, Novofit, 30 ml

    Black cumin extract, Novofit are used to improve and normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, and due to the improvement of the condition of the intestines, the condition of the skin improves, and immunity increases.
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  • Broccoli extract, Novofit, 30 ml

    Broccoli extract, Novofit helps lower blood pressure. Supports the work of the heart and cardiovascular system. Prevents the development of neurodegenerative diseases, which are the basis of stroke and complications after craniocerebral injuries.
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  • Chistotila extract, Novofit, 30 ml

    Chistotila extract, Novofit is recommended in a diluted form for irrigation, washing and wet dressings for purulent inflammatory processes (acne rash, for the removal of warts, papillomas, for the treatment of wounds that do not heal for a long time, eczema, ulcers, scrofula, ringworm, psoriasis, pustular skin lesions, skin tuberculosis, scalp seborrhea and staphylococcal skin lesions)
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  • Collection of antialcoholic

    The main aspect is that the treatment can be carried out without the patient's "knowledge". Collection antialcoholic is a phytopreparation, which is recommended for therapy and rehabilitation of patients with alcoholism. The collection of antialcoholic helps to overcome addiction to alcohol dependence, removes cravings for alcoholic beverages, normalizes excretory function, metabolism, removes free radicals, radically cleanses the liver.
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  • Cranberry extract, Novofit, 30 ml

    Extract - lingonberry concentrate Cranberry leaves are used for diseases of the kidneys, bladder and urinary tract (pyelitis, cystitis, urethritis, urolithiasis, nocturnal incontinence in children). Cranberry berries are used as a source of vitamins for flu and colds.
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  • Cranberry extract, Novofit, 30 ml

    Cranberry extract, Novofit Properties: cranberry contains organic acids, glucose, pectin, magnesium, potassium, phytoncides and biflavonoids. It has an antimicrobial, antibacterial, immunostimulating effect.
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  • Dandelion extract, Novofit, 30 ml

    Bitterness from the root of the plant is used to stimulate appetite, with anorexia nervosa of various etiologies. With gastritis to increase the secretion of digestive glands. Dandelion extract, Novofit regulates the work of the stomach and intestines. In liver diseases, it is used as a means to improve digestion and metabolism.
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  • Dill extract, Novofit, 30 ml

    Extract of Dill, Novophyt of fragrant increases the secretion of digestive glands, regulates the motor activity of the intestines, and also promotes the production of milk in nursing mothers. Dill extract is able to inhibit the development of pathogenic microflora that causes diarrhea.
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  • Elderberry extract, Novofit, 30 ml

    Elderberry extract, Novofit promotes both urination and improvement of intestinal peristalsis. The drug has a natural diuretic effect. Such remedies are usually prescribed by doctors in cases where a lot of fluid is retained in the body, which is a common problem among the elderly.
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  • Eucalyptus extract, Novofit, 30 ml

    Eucalyptus extract, Novofit restores and improves immunity, relieves injuries, arthritis and headaches, relieves inflammation of the urinary tract in combination with a diuretic effect. Lowers sugar level, improves carbohydrate metabolism, relieves puffiness.
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  • Extract of birch buds, Novofit, 30 ml

    Birch bud extract Novofit activates metabolism, release of body functions, strengthens the nervous system. Externally used for rubbing, compresses, baths for myositis, arthritis, sciatica, rheumatism, poorly healing wounds, ulcers, eczema, sores, bedsores, acne, rashes, etc. Birch is an excellent cosmetic.
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  • Extract of corn stigmas and lepekha, Novofit, 30 ml

    Extract of corn stigmas and plantains, Novofit help with diseases of the genitourinary system, kidneys and liver. With urological diseases and swellings of various origins. The drug has a moderate sedative effect, and is also capable of reducing appetite.
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  • Extract of Ginkgo Biloba and Grape seeds, Novofit, 30 ml

    Ginkgo Biloba and Grape Seed Extract, Novofit is often used to stimulate cerebral circulation. They are prescribed to persons suffering from migraines, frequent dizziness, patients with memory loss. They are also effective against other problems associated with impaired blood flow.
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  • Extract of Icelandic moss (cetraria of Iceland), Novofit, 30 ml

    Extract of Icelandic moss (Cetraria Icelandic) Novofit improves digestion, cleanses blood and lymph, has an anti-inflammatory effect. Polysaccharides of Icelandic moss have the ability to protect the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract from the influence of various chemical factors.
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  • Extract of pine uterus, Novofit, 30 ml

    The extract of the pine uterus, Novofit (official name - Ortilia odniboka) is known as a powerful remedy for diseases of the genitourinary system. This herb is especially effective for the treatment of female diseases of an inflammatory nature due to its diuretic, resorbing
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  • Fennel extract, Novofit, 30 ml

    Fennel extract, Novofit has a positive effect on the nervous system, increases performance, increases concentration, calms the nervous system.
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  • FITOTOX, Novofit, 30 ml

    FITOTOX, Novofit accelerates metabolism and normalizes metabolism, due to the activation of metabolic processes at the cellular level. Choline and B vitamins help synthesize amino acids in the body that control insulin levels, as well as the transport and metabolism of fatty acids in the liver.
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  • Fucus extract, Novofit, 30 ml

    Fucus extract, Novofit reduces the level of glucose in the blood. Fucus alginates remove radionuclides and salts of heavy metals from the body, regulate cholesterol level and water-salt exchange, normalize digestion, and cleanse the intestines. The extract also helps to stimulate wound healing processes.
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  • Garlic extract, Novofit, 30 ml

    Garlic extract, Novofit has general strengthening properties in case of reduced work capacity, for the prevention of atherosclerosis, in case of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and increased blood pressure.
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  • Ginger extract, Novofit, 30 ml

    Ginger extract, Novofit reduces pain caused by joint disease, is used for rheumatism, arthrosis and arthritis, swelling, sprains, muscle pain. Due to its chondroprotective effect, ginger extract helps to strengthen cartilage tissue.
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  • Ginkgo biloba extract, Novofit, 30 ml

    Ginkgo biloba extract Novofit increases the overall performance of the body, with high mental stress. Ginkgo biloba's reputation as a "brain aid" has firmly established itself. Studies have proven that, thanks to its medicinal properties, the plant helps to improve the cognitive functions of the brain.
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  • Ginseng extract, Novofit, 30 ml

    Novofit ginseng extract has a beneficial effect on a woman's body, increases blood circulation in the pelvis and libido, improves the condition of the skin and hair, eliminates sagging skin and circles under the eyes
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  • Grape seed extract, Novofit, 30 ml

    Grape seed extract, Novofit is an excellent prevention of the development of atherosclerosis. Likewise, in case of chronic venous insufficiency, it strengthens the vessel walls. Thanks to fatty acids, the extract improves the condition of the skin and hair, strengthens the hair follicle, and reduces hair loss, especially in the winter. Acts as a natural antioxidant, slowing down the aging process.
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  • Grapefruit extract, Novofit, 30 ml

    Grapefruit Novofit extract normalizes the blood sugar level. Cleanses the body of impurities, removes excess fluid, promotes fat burning. With systematic use of grapefruit extract, the weight loss process occurs at a natural level, without harming the body.
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  • Hawthorn extract, Novofit, 30 ml

    Hawthorn extract, Novofit includes ursulic acid in the composition of fruits, has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, vasodilating effect. It is the most important component of skin collagen, so the use of hawthorn fruits has a rejuvenating effect.
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  • Horytsvit extract ( Horytsvit), Novofit, 30 ml

    Horytsvit extract (Horytsvit), Novofit strengthens and slows heart contractions, increases cardiac output, eliminates congestion (because it has small diuretic properties, which is useful for patients with edema of cardiac origin), calms the nervous system.
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  • Kardiosbor, Novofit, 30 ml

    Cardiosbor, Novofit are used to support the work of the heart and circulatory system. Normalizes the work of the central nervous system, contributes to the improvement of the general condition of the body. To increase physical activity.
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  • Kelp extract, Novofit, 30 ml

    Kelp extract, Novofit helps support the cardiovascular system. Normalizes the level of cholesterol and glucose. Normalizes blood pressure. Laminaria extract helps support the body in atherosclerosis, reducing the symptoms of the disease.
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  • Lavender extract, Novofit, 30 ml

    Lavender extract, Novofit improves skin and hair. Internal or external use of lavender extract helps with skin rashes, makes the skin smoother and more elastic. Eliminates dryness of hair and reduces hair loss.
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  • Lemon extract, Novofit, 30 ml

    Lemon extract, Novofit helps to improve the work of the cardiovascular system. The drug contains organic potassium, which helps the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system and kidneys.
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  • Lemongrass extract, Novofit, 50 ml

    Lemongrass extract, Novofit - tones the body, increases work capacity, blood pressure and immunity. Regular use of lemongrass strengthens the nervous system, helps to cope with stress, strengthens the body during prolonged mental stress.
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  • Levzea extract, Novofit, 30 ml

    Levzea extract, Novofit improves the work of the heart system, helps with heart neuroses. Levzea extract supports the nervous system, increases performance, but in case of strong overexcitation, the drug helps to calm down and relieve tension, thus the drug normalizes the work of the nervous system.
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  • Mistletoe extract, Novofit, 30 ml

    Mistletoe extract, Novofit strengthens blood vessels, expands them and makes them more elastic. Due to this, the oxygen transport in the body is normalized, which in turn leads to the normalization of the brain and central nervous system.
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  • Nettle extract, Novofit, 30 ml

    Nettle extract, Novofit promotes the restoration of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, helps the work of female genital organs and intestines, thanks to chlorophyll. Accelerates the regeneration of damaged areas of the body. Normalizes hemoglobin level.
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  • Ochanka extract, Novofit, 30 ml

    Lemon extract, Novofit helps to improve the work of the cardiovascular system. The drug contains organic potassium, which helps the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system and kidneys. Citrinin in combination with vitamin C has a beneficial effect on redox processes in the body, metabolism, and also strengthens and makes the walls of blood vessels elastic.
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  • Passionflower extract, Novofit, 30 ml

    Passionflower extract, Novofit is an effective folk remedy that is used in the case of many diseases of the nervous system, headaches, insomnia, asthenia, anxiety, etc. With the help of passion flower extract, alcohol is treated.
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  • Peony extract, Novofit, 30 ml

    The presence of salicylate in the composition has an analgesic effect, so the drug helps with joint pain and rheumatism. Peony extract, Novofit promotes the production of endorphins. Thins the blood, preventing the formation of blood clots.
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  • Pineapple and Grapefruit extract, Novofit, 30 ml

    Pineapple and Grapefruit extract, Novofit is rich in potassium and calcium, organic acids, improves digestion, activates liver activity, helps to "burn" fat. Reduces pressure.
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  • Pomegranate extract, Novofit, 30 ml

    Novofit pomegranate extract increases hemoglobin, due to which the condition of the skin improves. Nourishes hair follicles, it prevents hair loss and improves their growth. Stimulates the production of collagen in the skin, slows down skin aging.
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  • Poplar extract

    Poplar extract is very rich in biologically active substances, possessing bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, diuretic, analgesic and antiseptic properties. The antiseptic effect of the kidneys is due to the presence of glucoside populine, which when hydrolyzed is hydrolyzed to benzoic acid, which is a strong antiseptic. It has been experimentally established that when taking the populist and especially salicin, obtained from the sedge, urinary excretion of uric acid sharply increases. In addition, the buds of Poplar extract have an antiseptic effect on bronchial mucosa and dilute sputum in chronic bronchitis with purulent secretion. Due to a wide range of effects, the buds of poplars are used to treat acute inflammatory processes of the respiratory tract and chronic bronchitis with purulent sputum.
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  • Red brush, Novofit, 30 ml

    Red brush, Novofit are used for male and female infertility, frigidity, impotence, thyroid gland diseases, menstrual cycle disorders, painful and irregular periods, premature aging and menopause, mastopathy, polycystosis, ovarian cysts, uterine myoma, fibromyoma.
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  • Rhodiola extract, Novofit, 50 ml

    Rhodiola extract, Novofit is a strong stimulant for overfatigue and diseases of the nervous system, neuroses, vegetative-vascular dystonia, hypotonia.
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  • Rosehip extract, Novofit, 30 ml

    Rosehip extract, Novofit reduces the acidity of gastric juice, accelerates the healing of wounds and burns of any origin, including radiation damage. Nourishes and restores the mucous membrane of the oral cavity. Rosehip extract is useful as a vitamin and tonic.
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  • Senna extract, Novofit, 30 ml

    Senna extract, Novofit is recognized as an effective remedy for heartburn, nausea, gas formation, as well as bloating and belching associated with dyspepsia. Senna in combination with extracts such as fennel, ginger, mint can reduce the accumulation of gases in the stomach due to its laxative effect.
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  • Senna extract, Novofit, 30 ml

    Senna extract, Novofit is recognized as an effective remedy for heartburn, nausea, gas formation, as well as bloating and belching associated with dyspepsia. Senna in combination with such extracts as fennel, ginger, mint can reduce gas accumulation in the stomach due to its laxative effect.
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  • Shiitake extract, Novofit, 30 ml

    Shiitake extract, Novofit strengthens the immune system, has a beneficial effect on general well-being, increases male potency, contributes to the normalization of body temperature, purifies the blood and normalizes blood pressure
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  • Sophora extract, Novofit, 30 ml

    Sophora extract, Novofit regulates metabolic processes, lowers blood sugar and cholesterol levels, normalizes blood pressure and the load on the heart.
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  • The extract of bee Podmore

    Thanks to hepatoprotective properties, The extract of bee Podmore reduces the load on the liver, is a proven remedy against lamblia in it. Act as a blood cleanser. Possessing antitoxic properties, they bind and remove from the body toxic elements and intestinal toxins, in addition, the obtained drugs are used in the treatment of mastitis and panaritium, with joint pain and adenoma of the prostate, impotence and frigidity. The extract of beeswax includes, in addition to chitosan, melanin (a nitrogen-containing pigment of animal origin), and to be more precise, melanin complexes, heparoids, amino acids, peptides, bee venom itself, which is an exceptionally complex complex, and some other substances of a different nature.
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  • Tribestanin extract (anchor extract), Novofit, 30 ml

    Tribistanin extract (anchor extract), Novofit has a normalizing effect on the function of the endocrine glands, increases the secretory activity of the pancreas. Improves the prostate gland by normalizing and improving blood circulation. Saturates cells with oxygen. Improves the condition of the body during prolonged mental or physical stress.
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  • Vascular collection, Novofit, 30 ml

    Vascular collection, Novofit - lowers cholesterol, activates metabolism, increases the elasticity of blood vessels, has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.
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