
Showing all 9 results

  • Alfalfin

    Alfalfin supports and stimulates the circulatory system, prevents the development of atherosclerosis. It reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood. Alfalfin contains plant estrogens.
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  • Ateroleks

    Complex Ateroleks improves the performance and functional state of the cardiovascular system, lowers blood cholesterol levels, reduces blood viscosity, improve microcirculation. It can be taken in the complex treatment of atherosclerosis of the arteries, as well as healthy people for prevention of atherosclerotic vascular changes and age. Complex Ateroleks - prevention of atherosclerosis, heart failure, hypertension, chronic fatigue syndrome.
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  • Avenitsitin

    Avenitsitin alternative to the well-known broth from young oat shoots. Avenitsitin used to optimize the functional activity of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, enhance the protective function of the liver and its ability to cleanse itself. Normalization of lipid metabolism.
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  • B P Formula

    Diseases of the cardiovascular system occupy a leading place in the list of diseases Ministry of Health. The latest development "BP Formula" - is Biocomplex that helps protect the cardiovascular system from the harmful effects of external factors, prevent the development of a wide range of pathologies and premature exhaustion. The use of "BP Formula" improve and stabilize the operation of the heart muscle
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  • Essential oil of lemon wormwood

    Essential oil of lemon wormwood is obtained by steam distillation from the dried flowers and leaves of the plant. The essential oil of wormwood lemon tonic flavor. Essential oil of lemon wormwood Artemisia has a rich aroma with citrus notes. Essential oil of lemon wormwood has analgesic, astringent, antibacterial, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic effect.
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  • Fitogal

    The international medical community pays great attention to the development of schemes to enhance immunity. The immune system is one of the most important defense systems of the body, is involved in all the vital organs. It has been proved that such diseases as atherosclerosis, diseases of the joints, infectious and allergic diseases occur due to immune disorders. Fitogal powerful immunomodulator, significantly exceeding domestic and foreign analogues in their properties.
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  • Fitomaks beta

    Fitomaks beta powerful antioxidant 50 times superior properties of vitamin E and 1000-fold - the properties of blood plasma to remove toxins, toxins, free radicals. Fitomaks-beta inhibits the accumulation of cholesterol in the body, increases blood hemoglobin level in functional anemia. The main component Fitomaksa beta - extract obtained from seeds, stalks and peels of red grapes. Thanks to the unique advanced technologies to extract saved more than 80% of organic compounds.
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  • Novomegin

    Complex "Novomegin" prevention of cardiovascular diseases, heart attack and stroke. Complex "Novomegin" helps to restore the elasticity of blood vessels, improves the cardiovascular system, the liver, has a positive effect on metabolism, skin condition. It provides the body's resistance to adverse factors - stress, bad habits, unfavorable ecological situation. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. It normalizes blood cholesterol levels.
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  • Toksfayter Luxury

    Toksfayter luxury - a universal enterosorbent based on herbal ingredients. The active ingredients of this complex block toxins and by-products of metabolism, reduce the effects of allergens, eliminate the functional disorders of the digestive system. Reduce the burden on the liver and kidney, improve metabolism, reduce cholesterol.
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