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Aromadoktor – spray with essential oils
"Aromadoktor" - a composition of essential oils of lavender, fir, orange and tea tree. Bright and rich aroma of lavender, pine needles with hints of tea tree will give you a pleasant aroma and a good mood. Floral preservative "Aromadoktor" is effective in acute respiratory disease, SARS, bronchitis. In diseases of ENT organs. Neurological disorders.40 грн Select optionsAvenitsitin
Avenitsitin alternative to the well-known broth from young oat shoots. Avenitsitin used to optimize the functional activity of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, enhance the protective function of the liver and its ability to cleanse itself. Normalization of lipid metabolism.120 грн Add to cartChildren’s Town – spray with essential oils
"Children's Town", spray with essential oils of bergamot, lavender, orange and sandalwood is used for flavoring childhood facilities, including kindergartens, schools, health centers, clinics, etc. In the autumn-winter-spring period, parents unwittingly begin to prepare for the regular colds kids. Alas, despite all efforts, the children are sick.69 грн Select optionsErektin
Erektin original domestic development for the prevention and treatment of multi-pronged comprehensive sexual dysfunction. The main component is an extract Erektina sandy sainfoin. Due to its properties Erektin stimulates the production of endogenous testosterone, governs the complex process of filling the cavernous bodies with blood, improves the elasticity of the vascular wall. It improves sperm production and sperm quality.130 грн Add to cartNeurostabil
Neurostabil - High emotional stress, information overload, stress often lead to mood swings, emotional instability, inability to withstand conflict situations. Natural Biocomplex Neurostabil includes in its composition components, stabilizing the nervous system, relieves stress and chronic fatigue.405 грн Add to cartPolyol Plus – spray with essential oils
"Polyol plus" spray with essential oils of lavender, sage, juniper, coriander and rose, for flavoring premises, use the sauna or bath, for baths, compresses, therapeutic massage. Floral preservative "polyol plus" is effective for acute respiratory infections, flu, bronchitis, to enhance immunity, to improve health.76 грн Select optionsThe essential oil of wormwood Taurian
The essential oil of wormwood Taurian is obtained by steam distillation from the dried flowers and leaves of the plant. The essential oil of wormwood Taurian tonic flavor. The essential oil of wormwood Taurian has an antibacterial effect. Effectively during epidemics (flu), irritability, nervous tension, insomnia, motion sickness, alcoholism. It removes bad breath.127 грн Add to cart