Body Butter – a natural remedy for daily care

We are often asked the question – why do we need body oil. Body Butter – is well forgotten old. And what do you think enjoyed our grandmothers grandparents to care for face and body until the cream?
Body Butter – This is an excellent remedy for facial skin, neck, décolleté, body. This is a great alternative to creams, lotions, gels – body oil performs the same functions as caring, nourishes and moisturizes the skin. At the same time, body butter very easily rests on your skin, fine absorbed, leaving the skin “stickiness and fat.” Perfect for people with sensitive skin prone to allergies, because nothing of chemical and synthetic in composition have not.
Very often the body oil is associated with some therapeutic massage or a means. This is not quite correct opinion.
Regarding the therapeutic agent, I have to say that for anybody not a secret that 40 to 60% of the cosmetics that we put on our skin is absorbed and enters the body. It is not difficult to understand that if a part of your care products and synthetic chemical ingredients, that gets into the body. And what a “good” it will bring. Maybe not now, but eventually. If we look at the statistics, problems with breast or thyroid in women, at the moment was rampant. In no case do not attribute this phenomenon only to the chemical components of cosmetics, it is a way of life and the predisposition and the environment, but the proportion of chemical in it there is no doubt. And if you decide to use oil for the body, which is only natural ingredients that get into your body, there is nothing but good, it does not work. Maybe this is not a pronounced therapeutic effect, but your skin is hydrated, well-groomed and with no chemicals and synthetics. In particular, if we take the oil to the body TM “Ekolyuks”, which are presented in our store base oil of green walnuts, which is rich in vegetable iodine. Accordingly, applying oil to the body TM “Ekolyuks” You saturate your body with iodine. Essential oils that are found in the composition of each oil TM “Ekolyuks” the body through the blood, enter the lymph and have a positive effect for the whole body, as well as for individual organs and systems. Here, for example, the well-known sesame oil, very rich in vegetable calcium. East Women commonly it is used for body care, and in the eastern countries, is rarely such a thing as osteoporosis.

Regarding the massage means, yes, body oils, it is possible to do massage, their consistency is quite allow. But initially – Body Oil – this means the daily care of your skin and body.

In this product line is represented by TM “Ekolyuks” oils, which includes oil for the face and body, hair, leg, Eye and nails.
We invite you to visit the section of our store – oil, body oil

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